Thursday, July 11, 2024

Alexandria Seamsters Monthly Neighborhood Group Meeting for July 2024

small colorful folded fabrics arranged in a circle

The Seamsters' next meeting will be Mon, July 15 at 7 pm at our usual location, Franconia Government Center, 6121 Franconia Rd.  Alexandria, VA.  Our program, “Techniques for Sewing with Sheer Fabric”, will be led by Lisa and Diana.  We will have some sheer fabric items for you to cut and stitch during the evening.   This should be a lot of fun!

If you can, please bring:

  • a pair of fabric cutting scissors
  • pins to use when pinning and cutting a small pattern piece
  • hand sewing needle(s) - preferably a thin needle
And, of course, bring your show-and-tells!

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