Tender Loving Care Ministries – Clothing for Children in Appalachia
Tender Loving Care Ministries, Inc. (TLC) is a private, non-profit, 501 (c) 3 charitable organization whose primary mission is to spread the love of Jesus Christ by ministering to the clothing needs of underprivileged children of the Appalachian Mountains—Southern Ohio, Eastern Kentucky, Southwestern Virginia and West Virginia. Poverty in Appalachia is extreme. Many children live
in conditions that border on those of Third World Countries. As a result, many children are socially and academically behind by the time they enter school. Between 75 and 80% of the children at these schools live in homes where the income is below the poverty level.
Things you can sew or make: Sizes 4 - 14 are the requested sizes
- For dresses, jumper & blouse sets, pajamas, and sweaters, you may use any pattern suitable for young children. Please use solid color or patterned fabric for dresses and jumper & blouse sets for girls; no pants for girls. Designs and fabric must be appropriate for young children. Tights or socks, undies, hair bow, bracelet and barrettes can be purchased to complete the outfits.
- Slips -any basic pattern, or request a pattern from TLC
- Pajamas for boys and nightgowns for girls are also useful.
- Quilts, blankets, afghans, and baby blankets are other items that can be made and donated.
- Knitted Mittens, Scarf and Hat with Pom-Poms, Crocheted Baby Clouds Poncho (Patterns available on TLC website, under the How You Can Help tab)
- Personal Care Kit Bag (12x18 drawstring bag) use this link for instructions.
ALL garments must be labeled with size. Labels should be made of fabric that can withstand
laundering and permanently secured to the garment; if you cannot attach a fabric label please pin a paper label with the size on the front of the garment. Please clip all threads.
Deadline for Distributions:
- Back-to-School Distribution is June 15, 2015 - SHORT SLEEVES on the garments (NO
- sleeveless dresses)
- Thanksgiving Distribution is October 15, 2015 - LONG SLEEVES ONLY on garments
- Coats, sweaters, ponchos and knit sets are shipped in the Thanksgiving distribution.
- Christmas Distribution is November 15, 2015 - LONG SLEEVES ONLY on garments
In order to meet these deadlines, I will need the garments three weeks prior to these distribution deadline dates. (May 25, Sept 23, and Oct 26). I will collect garments at Sharing Threads meetings the third Wednesday each month.
Charity Sewing Day, Friday, April 22, 10:00 – 4:00, Richard Byrd Library, 7250
Commerce St., Springfield. Please bring fabric, sewing machines, basic sewing supplies.
For more information, contact: Martha Walker.
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